People Riding on a Buggy on a Golf Course

Membership Benefits

Click here to view all the current discounts and offers from Outdoor Recreation Center.

Frequently Asked

Do I need a membership?

Absolutely not! Our memberships are totally optional. You can enjoy all of our fantastic facilities without one.

However, if you’re a frequent visitor, a membership can help you save money and give you access to exclusive member events, special discounts, and early entry opportunities.

Does every member of my family/household need a membership?

Membership benefits extend to everyone in your household as long as at least one member has an active membership.

Enjoy the perks together!

How long do I have to be a member for?

We understand that Military life can be unpredictable, which is why our membership is designed to be flexible and hassle-free.

With our month-to-month agreement, you have the freedom to cancel or activate your membership whenever it suits you best.

No penalties, no strings attached. Your convenience is our priority.

I just signed up, what now?

If you’ve recently registered and can’t wait to start using your benefits, we’ve got you covered.

While you wait for your membership card to be generated online or through the app, you can use the payment confirmation email from when you registered as a temporary substitute.

If you encounter any difficulties accessing your card after a few days, simply give us a call at (907) 552-5900 and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Discount percentage varies per location/event. New pricing structure will include inflation adjustments.

No credit card sign-up required to become a member. Membership card must be shown when payment is due to utilize discounts. Membership is open to all Branches of Service, Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, DoD/NAF Civilians, and Retirees. Additional benefits include reciprocal privileges and other membership incentives across Air Force Clubs.

Membership card can be accessed on your smart phone via the Member Planet app or visit:

See our JBER Life!

Magazine for all programs and activities for the month